CHRP Florence Wanguku – KAIRA
Vice President, East Africa, APS – HRM
Full Member, Institute of Human
Resource Management, Kenya
CHRP Florence Wanguku – Kaira is currently Manager,
Human Resources at the Kenya School of Government, in Kenya. KSG is a premier
institution mandated by the Kenyan Government to build skills and competencies
of the Public Sector through training, consultancy and research and providing advisory
Florence enjoys a vast experience of over 18
years as a Human Resource Practitioner from both Private and Public Sectors.
Her key strengths; include establishment and implementation for mentorship
programs for employees, development and implementation of competency frameworks that aim to complement
employee performance and productivity, as a Champion of Employee Wellness, is keen to innovate
programs through employees with the aim of achieving a happy and engaged
workforce. Other areas of interest have been to drive the conduct of Job
Evaluation, Human Resource Planning, Succession Management, capacity
development, Talent and Diversity Management, design and management of employee
benefits among others.
Florence holds a Master degree in Business
Administration (Human Resource Management) from Kenyatta University in Kenya, a
Bachelor degree in Business Administration (Human Resource Management) from
Kenya Methodist University (KEMU) in Kenya. She is a Certified Human Resource
Professional (CHRP) – Kenya and also a holder of a Diploma in Human Resource