Mr. James Wasagami

Manager – Human Resource Management
Uganda Registration Services Bureau

Plot 1, Baskerville Road, Kololo

P.O. Box 6848 Kampala , Uganda
Tell: +256773550306

It is with great pleasure that we introduce James Wasagami, an esteemed member of our network who currently serves as the Deputy President. James brings with him over a decade of experience in human resource management, having held significant roles within the Public Service of Uganda.

James is deeply passionate about pan-Africanism and draws inspiration from iconic figures such as Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. He believes in the power of collaboration and innovation to drive transformative change across the African continent.

Outside of his professional endeavors, James is an avid sports enthusiast, particularly fond of football. He finds great fascination in the realm of human resource analytics and the potential it holds for revolutionizing Human Resource practices.

In his pursuit of continuous learning and growth, James is preparing to embark on his PhD studies, further solidifying his commitment to academic excellence. His ultimate ambition is to see a unified and standardized approach to human resource management across Africa, characterized by professionalism, standardization, and a spirit of pan-Africanism.

Together, let us advance the field of Human Resource Management with a shared vision for a united and empowered Human Resource community across the continent.